Mary Thengvall
Developer Relations Leader specializing in helping B2B software companies build communities for their developer users and buyers
Mary is the Director of Developer relations at Camunda, a developer-friendly process orchestration platform. She’s previously led developer community programs at SparkPost, Chef, and O'Reilly Media. She is also the author of the book “The Business Value of Developer Relations”, and the founder of Persea, a developer relations consultancy, and DevRel Weekly, a newsletter on the function.
Building a Developer Relations Function
Mary Thengvall leads developer relations at Camunda, and has long been a thought leader in the guide, authoring the book, "The Business Value of Developer Relations" and publishing DevRel Weekly. In this guide, she describes what DevRel is, and how to stand up a function to drive developer awareness, enablement, and engagement.

Areas of Expertise

Hiring for Developer Relations Mary can advise on creating a strong Developer Relations spec, evaluation criteria and hiring process with company specifics in mind. She can also review candidates, and has a strong network to identify potential DevRel talent.
Setting Up a Developer Community Mary has built community programs at O’Reilly Media, Chef Software, and SparkPost and can consult on establishing one.

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