UI/UX Designer Specializing in SaaS Conversion
Marc is a designer specializing in helping SaaS companies book more demos & trials by optimizing their site for conversions. He started his career as a UI/UX generalist, but gravitated toward conversion as one of the most valuable focus areas for design, and on SaaS as a field where high conversion rates yield the greatest reward. He’s since helped optimize conversion on dozens of SaaS marketing websites.
Optimizing Signup or Trial Conversion
Marc McDougall is a UI/UX designer specializing in helping SaaS companies book more demos and trials by optimizing their sites for conversions. In this guide, he outlines best practices for high-conversion flows and the steps for iterative A/B testing.

Areas of Expertise

A/B Testing Testing landing pages, flows, and other elements of the conversion experience is a big part of Marc's process. He can advise on how to set up and run tests using tools like Google Optimize.

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