Marketing Leader Specializing in Category Design
John is the Founder and Category Design Consultant for B2B Tech at Flag and Frontier.  He also co-hosts the #CategoryCreation series on the B2B Growth Show podcast, through which he’s drawn insights from category designers at Hubspot, Salesforce, and Drift. Previously, he served as VP of Marketing at BlockSpaces, a B2B integration platform, the VP of Marketing Strategy at BombBomb, a video email marketing platform, as well as a VP Marketing at Skyfii, a publicly-traded SaaS company.
Designing a Category
the Founder and Category Design Consultant for B2B Tech at Flag and Frontier.  He also co-hosts the #CategoryCreation series on the B2B Growth Show podcast. Previously, he served as VP of Marketing at BlockSpaces, the VP of Marketing Strategy at BombBomb, as well as a VP Marketing at Skyfii. In this guide, he explains how to use category design to capitalize on unclaimed market territory and to help prospects evaluate your product using advantageous criteria.

Areas of Expertise

Evangelizing New Categories John can help category designers think about how to get their categories (and their companies) noticed. This includes both high profile marketing campaigns designed to get press and market attention, as well as the ongoing activities that go into building a presence.

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