Brand Messaging Strategist with experience at companies like Lucidchart, BambooHR, Grow and SaltStack.
Jed Morley is the Founder, CEO, and Brand Strategist at Backstory Branding, a brand strategy and messaging firm that’s worked with Lucidchart, Grow, and SaltStack. Previously, he led marketing at Consensus and BambooHR. He’s helped dozens of companies improve their brand messaging.
Creating a Product Messaging Framework
Jed Morley is the Founder, CEO, and Brand Strategist at Backstory Branding, a brand strategy and messaging firm that’s worked with Lucidchart, Grow, and SaltStack. Previously, he led marketing at Consensus and BambooHR. He’s helped dozens of companies improve their brand messaging.

Areas of Expertise

Brand Strategy Jed helps companies close the gap between their current and desired brand perceptions by discovering and defining the right words, images and experiences to use.
Message Market Fit Companies with product-market fit work with Jed to develop, test and refine messages that resonate with their audiences to achieve Message Market Fit.
Messaging Frameworks Jed helps companies clarify and articulate their overarching brand messaging and targeted product- and audience-specific messaging.
Brand Architecture Jed helps companies develop brand architecture systems that define clear, consistent naming guidelines for their products and services.
Naming Jed helps companies name their organizations and products and services.
Visual Brand Identity Jed matches clients to preferred design partners to create visual brand identities (logos) and style guides that define their look and feel and reflect their leadership.
Brand Activation Jed helps companies activate their brands in the marketplace, advising them on executing consistent brand marketing across customer touchpoints.

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