About Us

OneGuide exists to help investors accelerate growth at their portfolio companies.

We believe...

It's never efficient
to reinvent the wheel

Identify who's done it well, and ask them how

OneGuide has identified over 100 tactical experts and interviewed them to document their best practice tips. We also help clients identify their own "portfolio rockstars" who have a playbook that should be shared across the portfolio.

To be useful, knowledge
needs to be accessible

Document tribal knowledge, record events, and upload resources

In our software product, we're obsessed with searchability. Text-based content, PDFs, and even video transcrips are all searchable. We work with clients to gt as many resources as possible in one, centralized, searchable place.

Nothing replaces being able to ask questions about your specific challenges

Facilitate calls with experts and peers

We help investors bring their portfolio execs together for peer knowledge sharing. Often, we also introduce experts within our nextwork to share insights in a group forum, for a 1:1 advising session, or to plan a longer project.

About the OneGuide Team

Kate Hopkins


10 Years in Portfolio Ops

Mary Sieredzinski

Client Solutions

Dante Sacco

Network &
Content Lead

Cole Simon

Product &
Implementation Lead

Claudette Raynor


About OneGuide Experts

OneGuide experts are current or former leaders with years of experience in their disciplines

Experts have experience at top companies...

...and are vetted via 3 screens

2. We conduct two screening calls

For each expert who makes it onto the platform, OneGuide conducts a screening call plus an in-depth guide interview.

3. Users evaluate via guides

Platform users can pre-read bios and in-depth (2,000-3,000 word) guides before talking to an expert to ensure that they have the needed expertise and are the right fit.

Schedule a demo

Our Office

2840 Fairfax St. Ste. 204
Denver, CO 80207

Get in Touch

[email protected]

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